727-403-8103         joy@fairydustservices.com

Home and pet services to enhance your life

April 2020 Newsletter

Fairy Dust Pet Newsletter!
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FairyDust News

Happy Spring!

This is a glorious season filled with the beauty of spring colors and new life blossoming all around us.

More than ever, let spring bring us gorgeous sunrises to start our days with love, happiness, and joy. We need all those feelings right now to guide us through a tough time in our lives.

Please know that FairyDust is here for you and your pets. Reach out if and when you need us, no matter how small or big your need is…we're all in this time together!!

We LOVE what we do and look forward to seeing your pet soon!

Coronavirus And Your Pets

These are stressful times, and we're all concerned about Covid-19. According to AMVA, the World Health Organization, and the CDC - there is no evidence that our pets can get this virus. Feel free to hug your pet!

Here are some things to be aware of:

* In some areas, people are shopping a lot, and some stores are running low on certain items. It might be a good idea to have an extra bag of pet food, poopy pick-up bags, and extra litter on hand. If your pet takes regular medications, ask your vet if you can get another month's supply. Consider having at least a 30 day supply of medications and food on hand for your pets.

What if you know that your pet has come in contact with someone who has Coronavirus (or maybe you're just worried they have)? Your pet won't get COVID-19, but the CDC said the virus can live on some surfaces for a number of hours. If you want to be extra cautious, wipe down your pet's feet, wipe off their fur, and just continue to wash your hands after you walk or play with your pet.

Don't stop taking your pet out; they still need exercise and playtime. It's a good way for everyone to stay healthy. Get a lot of rest, eat well, and get some exercise - this is good advice for keeping our pets and our own immune systems healthy. Since we are now all practicing social distancing, go for a hike in the woods, not at the dog park!

More importantly, make a backup plan for your pets now, before you need it. Think about what you will do with your pets if you or someone in your household gets ill. Will you be able to care for them? Now may be a good time to find a designated caregiver. If you have family in your household that can step up - perfect! If you need a caregiver we can help you out - we already know your pet, and they know us! 

If a family caregiver becomes necessary, make a pet profile now for each pet you have. List what and how much they eat. Write down any medications they need and the schedule for giving them. Consider adding information like their habits, fears, your vet's contact information, and any other behavioral information a temporary caregiver may need. Include your pet's favorite toys, and be sure your pet has ID tags on their collar and that your pet's microchip information is up to date. 

We'll keep you as up to date as we can; information is evolving quickly. In the meantime, take a walk in the woods with your dog, enjoy a playtime with the cat, and then wash your hands!

Cat Whiskers!

The whiskers on your cat's face not only add to their cuteness, but they are essential sensory tools for your cat. They aren't actually hair; they are more like extensions of the skin. They are longer, thicker, more rigid, and more deeply embedded to nerves and blood supply than your cat's fur.

Each whisker can detect very tiny changes in your cat's environment, and they help her judge distance and space too.

Did you know that your cat's whiskers aren't just on her nose? Cats have them above their eyes, on their chin, ears, and even on the back of their front legs! These shorter whiskers help your feline be an expert hunter.

Whiskers are symmetrical, each cat has 24 whiskers total around the nose with 12 on each side, and this symmetrical layout helps them measure their world. Whiskers, like hair, do fall out now and then, but they will grow back. Also like hair, they can get gray with age.

Don't ever trim your kitties whiskers; they are vital to your cat's navigation system! Whiskers are a built-in measuring tape! Because of their placement and length, they help your cat determine if she will fit into a small space.

Cat's are farsighted, which means their close up vision isn't that great. Also, their whiskers help them position prey that is up close.

The whiskers around their eyes trigger a blink response, so they protect your cat's eyes from getting poked (remember they have poor up-close vision).

Whiskers can be an indicator of your cat's mood. If your kitty's whiskers are relaxed and sticking out, she's in a happy place. If they are flattened against her cheeks, she feels threatened or anxious. If they are forward, she's curious!

Some cats do not like their whiskers touching their food bowl - if you see your cat taking their food out of the bowl and eating it on the floor, you may want to try feeding them with a wider bowl or on a small plate.

Every day our cats continue to amaze us! Whiskers play an important roll in our cat's lives!

Can We Accept Our Dogs For Who They Are?

Last month we talked about how dogs and people often model their personalities after each other. Although that does happen, what if you get a pet that is entirely different from you? What if you're outgoing and relaxed, and your new dog is shy and anxious?

Many of us, when we dream about a new pet, have some preconceived expectations of how they will act. You hope your dog will be a snuggler, a therapy dog in the local nursing home, or will love to hike with you, but then you get a dog that is a bit aloof, shy, or a couch potato. Can you fully love that dog? We know you can!

You may have to adjust the expectations you have for your pooch. Just like us, our dogs are individuals, and each has a unique personality.

Continue to train your dog, certainly take them out in public, and go for long walks. But you'll have to accept your dog as is, and you may have to alter your original plans for Fido.

So, if your dog is uncomfortable with traffic, walk him in the woods instead of around the neighborhood. If your dog is fearful of other dogs, don't go to the dog park. If you push your dog to do more than they are comfortable with, you'll stress out both you and your dog, and your dog's fears could get worse. Keep in mind that your pup is doing the best he can.

So adjust your goals to make them realistic for your dog. Manage situations as best you can, so no one gets stressed out. With acceptance, patience, love, training, and management, your dog can make some changes.

Accepting your dog means you'll be calmer, and that will make your dog calmer. Your dog knows when you're under stress, and they will react accordingly. Don't spend all your time training them to be different - compromise a bit, find situations that work for your dog. Everyone will be happier if you both chill and enjoy life.

Have some fun, enjoy their many good points, and work on building trust and a strong bond. And your pet will soon be your best friend.

Great Pet Links!

Here are some interesting pet articles, pictures, and videos we've found on the net this month.

April is:

Heartworm Awareness Month
Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month

April 10 -  Hug Your Dog Day
April 30  - National Tabby Day

7 Common Cat Allergens
10 Ways To Green Your Pet
Bringing Home A New Cat
Does Your Dog Bark At the Mail Carrier
Gus And His Poker Face