727-403-8103         joy@fairydustservices.com

Home and pet services to enhance your life

July 2023 Newsletter


Excess Panting: What It Means & What to Do

Both dogs and cats pant to regulate their body temperatures, but excessive panting can indicate an underlying health issue. If you notice your buddy doing this, it's important to understand what it means and what you can do to help them.


Excess panting can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Heatstroke or dehydration (this is a medical emergency)
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Respiratory issues
  • Heart disease
  • Medication side effects
  • Obesity or lack of exercise

What to Do

If you notice that your best friend is panting excessively, it's essential to take action to help him. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Check for signs of overheating or dehydration, such as dry gums or lethargy, and take steps to cool down your companion or provide water if necessary.
  • If Max is showing signs of stress or anxiety, try to identify the source of his alarm and provide a calm and safe environment.
  • Is he experiencing pain or discomfort? If so take him to the vet to identify the underlying issue and provide appropriate treatment.
  • If he has respiratory issues or heart disease, consult your vet about developing a treatment plan.
  • Or if your pet is on medication, check with your vet to see if heavy breathing is a known side effect.
  • If your best friend is overweight or not getting enough exercise, consult with your vet to develop a weight loss plan and exercise routine.

Take action if you think your buddy is panting too much. Don't hesitate to consult with your vet if you're concerned about his panting.

Proper Trail Etiquette

Hiking with your dog can be a great way to bond and get exercise, but it's essential to follow proper trail etiquette to ensure the safety of your pooch, other hikers, and the environment. The Golden Rule of hiking etiquette is to have common sense and courtesy. Here are some tips for practicing good trail etiquette:

Keep Your Dog on a Leash

Most trails require canines to be on a leash, and for good reason. A leashed dog is easier to control and less likely to chase after wildlife or other hikers. Be sure to use a sturdy leash and keep it short enough to maintain control of Sadie. If your dog is under voice command that means she will come back to you immediately when called and not bark at other dogs, wildlife, or people.

Consider a Backpack

A brightly colored, reflective pack for your dog will lighten your load and make her more visible. Even better, she can carry some of her own supplies (water, treats, & poopy bags).

Clean Up After Your Dog

Always bring bags to pick up your dog's waste and dispose of it properly in a trash bin or carry it out with you. Leaving waste on the trail is not only unsightly, but it can also spread disease and pollute the environment.

Yield to Other Hikers

When encountering other hikers on the trail, yield to them and move to the side with Sadie to let them pass. This is especially important when encountering horses, as dogs can spook them and cause a dangerous situation.

Respect Wildlife

Don't let your dog chase after wildlife; this can disrupt their natural behavior and cause stress or injury. Keep your pooch on a leash and give our outdoor friends plenty of space.

Stay on Designated Trails

Stay on designated trails to avoid harming the environment and disturbing wildlife. Avoid cutting switchbacks or creating new paths, as this can cause erosion and damage the trail system.

Be Prepared

Bring plenty of water and snacks for both you and Sadie, and be prepared for changes in weather or trail conditions. Carry a first-aid kit and know basic pet first aid in case of an emergency.

Hiking with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience; these tips will help you with proper trail etiquette to ensure the safety of your dog, other hikers, and the environment.

6 Purr-fect Ways to Keep Your Cat off the Countertops

As much as we love our furry feline friends, we don't always love finding their paw prints on our kitchen tables or counters. Cats are attracted to our countertops for a few reasons; cats love heights, they like playing with water, and it smells good up there! Here are some tips to change their minds.

Provide Alternative Perches - Cats love hiding and being up high, so providing alternative perches can satisfy their natural instincts and keep them off our tables. Consider investing in a cat tree, window bed, boxes, or installing shelves for your cat to climb and perch on.

Use Double-Sided Tape - Cats don't like the sticky feeling of double-sided tape on their paws, so placing strips along the edges of your countertops may be an effective deterrent.

Create a Barrier - Create a physical barrier between your cat and the countertops by placing items along the edge that will make it difficult for them to jump up. For example, a row of books or a tray of water can discourage your cat from leaping.

Positive Training - If your cat is in the kitchen eyeing the countertop, get your clicker out and reward him before he jumps up. If he is already on it, toss a toy in the other direction, then click and treat when he chases it. Be sure the snack is scrumptious!

Running Water - Many cats love the sound of running water; consider buying a cat water fountain.

Provide Interactive Toys - Puzzle feeders or toys that dispense treats can keep your fuzzball occupied and entertained, reducing his desire to jump up on the countertops.

Be Consistent with Training - Reliable training is key to keeping your cat off the countertops. Use a firm voice and gentle physical cues, such as gently taking your cat off the countertop and rewarding him for staying on the ground.

Keeping your cat off the countertops can be challenging, but these tips should work. With patience and consistency, your cat will learn to stay off the countertops, and you can enjoy a clean kitchen.

Great Pet Links!

July is:

Hydration Awareness Month
Adopt a Rescue Rabbit Month

July 1 - ID your Pet Day
July 4 - Independence Day
July 10 National Kitten Day
July 15 - Pet Fire Safety Day

4th of July Safety Tips
Pet Fire Safety Tips
10 Reasons Rabbits Make Good Pets
Keep Your Pet Calm During Fireworks
Summer Pet Safety Tips
Heatstroke in Dogs
