727-403-8103         joy@fairydustservices.com

Home and pet services to enhance your life


How Long Should a Dog Walk Be?

We all know that our pets need adequate exercise, but how do you determine how much is enough? To figure out what your pooch needs in the way of activity, you'll have to consider several factors: your dog's age, size, breed, and health.

If you have a healthy adult dog, they will need a minimum of 30 - 60 minutes of walking or other activity every day (or chasing a ball, agility, hiking, running). Young pups and seniors will need less activity. And certain breeds need much more exercise (huskies, terriers, shepherds, herding, and cattle dogs, to name a few).

You don't have to get all of your pooch's exercise in at once; you can give them a 20-minute walk in the morning, throw a ball for a while after lunch, and take another 20-minute walk after dinner if that suits your schedule better. Obviously, in scorching weather, you should try to get your exercise in the morning or later in the day when it's cooler.

Some tiny breeds can probably get all the exercise they need inside. However, it's good for your dog to get outside where they can see the world, sniff around their neighborhood, and socialize a bit with people and other pups.

Seniors may benefit from a few short walks a day, so they don't overexert themselves. If your buddy has arthritis, try to avoid pavement or the sidewalk, which may be uncomfortable on sore joints. If you're not sure what is appropriate for your dog, talk to your vet.

How about distance? There isn't a limit on how far you can walk with a healthy adult dog, as long as both of you are comfortable. If you like long walks or hiking, build up your dog's stamina over time.

So get stepping, since it's good for both you and your dog. If you need help getting in the mileage, we are happy to take Fido on a nice long walk!

Thinking About Getting a Cat?

Cats are such great company. They are adaptable, fun, a bit mysterious, and they love to cuddle. However, before you take the final leap and adopt a cat or kitten, there are a few secrets you should know.

Cats are not as independent as some people think. While they can be a bit more independent than dogs, most cats like to hang out with their people. To thrive, they need good food, affection, regular veterinary care, playtime, and snuggling.

Cats shed, so buy a lint roller before you adopt a cat! To reduce the shedding, buy a grooming brush and make a ritual of grooming your cat each evening. Nightly brushing will reduce the shedding and help you build a strong bond. If you love wearing black, consider getting a black cat!  ;)

Give up on ever having privacy in the bathroom again. Your cat needs to know what's going on in there, and even if you manage to close the door with her on the outside, you'll hear her scratching and meowing to get in.

Outdoor life is dangerous, so please keep your feline inside. You can take your cat out with a leash and harness or build a catio! Make or buy a window bed so she can watch the world go by.

Consider ditching your house plants. Many cats love to munch on plants, and many plants are poisonous to our pets. Only keep pet-safe plants in your home. Consider growing some grass in a pot on the windowsill - cats love nibbling on it and it's safe for your kitty in moderation.

Give up sweeping the floor; most cats will continually attack the broom! To them, it's a great game. Maybe consider buying a Roomba. Check out this Roomba video (mom in sunglasses and cat in a shark costume)!

Making the bed may fall by the wayside too. When you start to make it expect the cat to tunnel under the covers, burrow under the fitted sheet, or get tangled in the top sheet. It's just one less chore for you to do!

This might be a good time to put away your shoes that tie. Most kittens consider the laces a play toy and will untie them over and over again. Think slip-on Keds or flip flops!

Your laundry basket may never be cat-free again. Felines love a basket filled with clothing, especially if they are warm from the dryer. Your clothes will often be covered in cat fur before you put them on.

Finally, if your cat has fallen asleep on your lap, be aware that it's a law (at least in your cat's mind) that you can't get up until after she wakes up and moves on.

This article is a little tongue in cheek; although many of the above examples are true, most cat owners will say that their kitty's habits are the cutest things ever.

Go ahead, adopt that cat, you won't regret it, and they will keep you laughing!

My Pet Hates the Crate. Now What?

Last month we wrote about Crate Expectations and the benefits of having your dog or cat enjoy their crate. But what if you've tried and tried and your buddy still hates their crate?

Our first recommendation is to try again. It may be worthwhile to work with a trainer who can put a different spin on their crate because, as we mentioned last month, there may come a time when your dog or cat will need to be crated. Most animals will get comfy with a crate given time.

Here are the 6 most common reasons your pet may hate their crate:

  • You rarely use it.
  • You let him out when he whines.
  • You only crate your pal when you leave.
  • You've locked him in a crate with no training.
  • The crate is used for punishment.

However, if you've tried using the correct methods and it's still a no-go, here are some other ideas that may help.

Find alternatives that don't stress your pet. Maybe a dog exercise/playpen, or a room in your home that you can baby-gate and fill with his favorite toys and bed. Of course, pet-proof the room so your pup doesn't get into trouble when you're away. You could try taking your dog with you on errands or to work (if allowed). Some dogs hate a plastic airplane-style crate but are fine in other styles of crate.

Try to train them to chill in the house when you're away. Leave Fido for a few minutes with a kong or some other safe toy. When you come back in a few minutes later, don't make a big deal about your return. Gradually increase the time you're out of the house very slowly, so he is comfortable with you leaving.

Pets should not be confined to their crates for hours on end; it's not healthy mentally or physically. A great way to alleviate the boredom when you're gone is with our pet sitting and dog walking service!

Great Pet Links!

Great links we found around the internet this month. Enjoy!

September is:

Disaster Preparedness Month
Happy Healthy Cat Month
National Service Dog Month

September 1 - Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
September 13 - Hug Your Hound Day
September 26 - International Rabbit Day
September 28  - World Rabies Day

Pawsome Dog Moments Caught On Camera
A TV Channel Made Just For Cats - MeowFlix
Rabbit Care

September 2020 Newsletter