727-403-8103         joy@fairydustservices.com

Home and pet services to enhance your life

April 2024 Newsletter


Hello April!

Happy April, Paw Pals!

Welcome to our Spring newsletter! Take a break, enjoy the sunshine, and dive into some great articles. Let's make this season as purr-fect as can be!

Dog Drama Decoded

Dogs often seek our attention, but what happens when it becomes a full-blown tantrum? Let's unravel the reasons behind attention-seeking and equip you with effective strategies to curb the drama.

Drama behavior in dogs can manifest in various ways, from incessant barking, pawing, or nudging to even more dramatic displays like stealing socks. Recognize these signs as your furry friend's way of communicating their needs or desires.

Why Dogs Crave Attention:

Dogs, inherently social beings, express their need for attention through various behaviors. Boredom, frustration, lack of stimulation, or genuine neglect can turn your dog into an attention seeker. Identifying the root cause, whether it be needing more exercise, mental stimulation, or quality time, is often the key to addressing this behavior.

Furthermore, dogs may crave attention as a coping mechanism for anxiety or feelings of insecurity. Your attention provides them with a sense of comfort and safety. For many canines, it's a learned behavior; if Sadie has learned that certain actions result in attention, even negative attention, she may continue to repeat those behaviors.

How to Curb Attention-Seeking Behavior:

After you've sussed out why Sadie behaves this way, ensure she gets sufficient physical and mental exercise. An exhausted pup is less likely to engage in attention-seeking antics.

Stimulate her mind with puzzle toys, interactive games, and new experiences. A mentally engaged pup is more often a happy and well-behaved one. Always establish clear boundaries and be consistent in enforcing them. Sadie will thrive on routine and understanding what is expected of her.

Sometimes, it's better for both of you to ignore the behaviors you don't want to reinforce. Giving in to demands (even if it's saying, "Go lay down") may encourage her to repeat the behavior for future attention.

However, don't ignore your dog when she seeks attention because she's fearful or anxious. You want to comfort her carefully—you don't reward her fear. Remove the stressor if you can; if not, engage her in something she loves: training, a game, a stuffed Kong, or a quiet room. You may have to work with a behaviorist to help Sadie relax.

Reinforce Sadie's positive behavior with praise, treats, and affection. This encourages her to focus on behaviors that earn her attention in a positive way.

If the behaviors are well established, consider enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer to address specific issues and tailor solutions to your dog's unique needs.

Understanding the root causes of attention-seeking behavior is the first step toward creating a harmonious relationship with your furry companion. Using the tips here, you can transform the drama into a tale of well-behaved companionship.

Anesthesia And Your Pet

Anesthesia refers to drugs used to prevent pain and distress during medical procedures. By inducing unconsciousness and inability to feel pain, anesthesia allows the vet to examine, diagnose, and treat your pet safely. General anesthesia involves whole-body sedation, while local numbs a specific area.

Though rare, anesthesia carries risks, especially for young, old, or brachycephalic dogs and cats. Your vet will assess your pet's age, weight, and medical history to customize an anesthesia plan. Even high-risk pets can usually receive anesthesia safely with proper precautions.

Proactive measures can be taken to further enhance your pet's safety during anesthesia. A comprehensive physical examination, including a detailed medical history, blood work, and an assessment of blood chemistry and electrolyte balance, gives your vet more information about your pet's needs. Communicate any known allergies or existing health issues your pet may have.

Upon your pet's return home after a procedure, you may observe some after-effects from the anesthesia drugs. Common side effects include increased quietness and sleepiness. Create a serene and warm recovery environment for your furry companion, perhaps using a crate to ensure they remain still.

Because they may be unsteady or nauseous, limit food initially and avoid stairs or furniture they could fall from while disoriented. It is also a good idea to keep your other pets away during the initial recovery. Keep potty breaks brief and leashed so you can help them navigate any potential hazards. Regarding feeding, follow your veterinarian's advice; typically, a small meal is acceptable on the first evening, and any lack of interest that first night is generally nothing to worry about.

In the days following the procedure, watch for signs of discomfort or unusual behavior. If you have any concerns about your pet's well-being, please don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately. More extensive surgeries may require your pet to stay with the vet for a few days, allowing the veterinary team to effectively manage the effects of anesthesia.

While the prospect of anesthesia for your pet may initially seem daunting, understanding its nuances and taking proactive measures can significantly contribute to a safe and smooth recovery. With appropriate care and some TLC at home, your furry companion should return to normal before you know it!

Cord Cutting: Stop Kitty from Chewing Cables

It's a common but potentially dangerous behavior - cats chewing and biting electrical and other cords in your home. While cats gnawing on wires may seem like a nuisance, it's essential to understand why they do it and how to curb this habit.

Chewing is normal for cats. They have an innate need to use their mouths to explore their environment. Indoor cats especially can benefit from suitable things to chew on since they lack outdoor stimulation. Additionally, stalking and pouncing on cords is fun mental enrichment. So, provide safe chewing options like catnip toys and scratching posts. Rotate new items to keep your cat engaged.

Chewing cords may also indicate an underlying issue. Anxiety, stress, or dental disease could cause this behavior. Try to identify and address the root cause. Spend quality time playing and interacting with your kitty to relieve boredom and anxiety. Consider calming supplements if recommended by your vet.

Take steps to deter chewing:

  • Cover exposed cords with plastic tubing or wire loom. Use bitter taste deterrent sprays.
  • Block access to hazardous areas with cord covers or double-sided tape.
  • Consider wireless alternatives to remove cords - mount TVs to the wall to eliminate dangling wires.
  • Keep your cat well-fed, exercised, and enriched with toys to prevent boredom.
  • Add interactive feeders, flirt poles, and puzzle toys to stimulate their natural hunting instinct.
  • Introduce a scratching post near electrical outlets to redirect scratching.

Rule out medical causes and use positive reinforcement, not punishment. With patience and by making your home cat-friendly, you can curb cord chewing for a safer environment.

Great Pet Links!

April is:

Heartworm Awareness Month
Pet First Aid Month
Canine Fitness Month
National Frog Month

April 4 - Stray Animal Day
April 2 - Siamese Cat Day
April 12 - World Hamster Day
April 22 - Pet CPR Day
April 30 - Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

What Pet Owners Need To Know About Heartworm
50 0f The Cutest Cats Ever
Amazing Dog Houses