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Home and pet services to enhance your life

June 2023 Newsletter


Survival Guide: Puppy Nipping

Puppies are undeniably adorable, but their sharp little teeth can be painful. If you are struggling to cope with your new fur baby's biting and nipping behavior, rest assured, you are not alone. Here are some tips and tricks to help you survive puppy nipping.

Stay Calm

Staying calm and avoiding getting angry or frustrated with Rover when he nips is crucial. Remember, he's is not trying to hurt you; he's just exploring his world and learning about the environment through his mouth. Yelling or scolding your puppy will only make things worse and may damage your relationship with him.

Redirect the Behavior

Instead of scolding him try redirecting his biting behavior to a more appropriate target, such as a chew toy or bone. When your pup starts to nip at you, quickly replace your hand or body part with a chew toy.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to train your pup to stop nipping. So once you have redirected Rover's behavior to an appropriate toy, praise him and give him a special treat. This will reinforce the behavior and encourage him to continue chewing on suitable objects.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to training your pup to stop nipping. Ensure everyone in your household is on the same page and using the same training techniques. This will help your puppy learn far more quickly and prevent confusion.

Avoid Rough Play

At this stage of the game, avoid playing rough games with Rover, such as wrestling, as this can encourage biting and nipping. Instead, play gentle games with your buddy that involve toys and positive reinforcement.

Socialize Your Puppy

Socializing your pup is essential for his well-being and can help reduce nipping behavior. Expose your puppy to various people and animals and reward him for calm and appropriate behavior.

Puppy nipping can be a frustrating behavior to deal with. You can help your puppy learn to chew on appropriate objects with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

Here are some further ideas from Whole Dog Journal

How to Clean Up Pet Stains at Home

We love our furry friends, but accidents happen, and they can leave unsightly stains and unpleasant odors. Don't worry; we've got some advice to help you handle your pet stains in your home.

Act Quickly - The key to handling pet accidents is to act fast. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove the stain and the odor. When you notice a pet stain or solid, pick it up and blot up as much of the liquid as possible with paper towels or a cloth. You should always wear gloves when cleaning up pet accidents.

Use an Enzymatic Cleaner - These cleaners are specifically designed to neutralize odors. They contain enzymes that break down the bacteria that cause the odor, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. If you go to your local pet supply store you will find oddles of choices (a few are Nature's Miracle, Biokleen, and Ecos for Pets). Follow the instructions on the cleaner carefully and test it in an inconspicuous area first.

Wash it - If the item is washable, first clean up as much of the accident as possible. You may want to apply an enzymatic cleaner first and then wash it with your regular detergent. Air drying outside will help eliminate any residual odor.

Don't Use Ammonia-Based Cleaners - Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners on pet stains, as the smell of ammonia can attract your pet to the area and encourage them to mark their territory again. Stick to enzymatic cleaners!

Use a Carpet Cleaner - A carpet cleaner can be an excellent investment (purchased or rented) if you have carpeted floors. These machines use hot water and a cleaning solution to deep clean your carpets and remove pet stains and odors. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Consider Professional Cleaning - If you're having trouble removing pet stains and odors, or if they are set in, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. These companies have specialized equipment and cleaners that can effectively remove pet stains and odors, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

As frustrating as pet accidents can be, you'll be able to handle them with these tips and tricks. Don't let pet stains and odors ruin your day - get ahead of them and keep your home looking and smelling great.

The Purr-fect Way to Socialize Your Kitty!

Congratulations, you've just adopted a cute little ball of fur! Welcoming a kitten into your home is an exciting experience, but it's important to remember that socialization is vital to a cat's development. Socializing Milo can be a fun and rewarding adventure for you and your furry feline friend.

First things first, let your kitten explore his new surroundings. Provide him with plenty of opportunities for play and interaction. Pick up and handle your new cat frequently - hold, pet, and groom him. However, when he needs a break, please make sure he has a safe space to retreat to. We all need our alone time now and then!

When it's time to introduce Milo to new people, remember to take it slow, too many visitors at once can be overwhelming and stressful for him. Start with one or two visitors at a time and gradually increase the number as he becomes more comfortable.

Ensure your guests give Milo treats so he thinks positively about meeting new people. Encourage your visitors gently play with him using cat toys, not hands (or he will think hands are toys). Keep it low-key and use a soft voice to give him confidence.

If you have other pets at home, slowly introduce them to your kitten and under close supervision. Keep in mind that some animals may take longer to warm up to each other, so be patient and give them time to get to know each other; hopefully, they will become fast friends.

Socializing your kitten doesn't have to be all work and no play. Incorporate fun activities like interactive playtime and puzzle toys into your daily routine to help Milo develop his social skills. Not only will this help him feel more comfortable around people and other animals, but it will also provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom.

In conclusion, socializing your kitten is a purr-fect way for him to make friends and ensure his well-being. With patience, love, and plenty of playtime, you and your feline can enjoy a happy and social life together.

Great Pet Links!

June is:
Adopt A Shelter Cat Month
National Micro Chipping Month

June 4 - International Corgi Day
June 19 - Take Your Cat to Work Day
June 23 - Take Your Dog to Work Day
June 24 - Cat World Domination Day

Corgi Facts
Should I Microchip My Pet?
Pet Disaster Preparedness Tips
How To Survive Cat World Domination Day
